Zero Waste Living Tips

Zero Waste Living Tips

Once you enter into your sustainability journey, you may catch yourself thinking "how can I do this more sustainably?" Here's the thing; your journey starts with one small change. For example, using a bamboo toothbrush instead of a plastic toothbrush.  The bamboo toothbrush will compost in 4-6 months (Clark, 2018)  compared to the plastic toothbrush decomposing in 500 years (Statista). The small change you make is highly impactful. Not only are you taking sustainable actions, it is reinforcing to you that you can make an immediate impact. Small stepping stones will continue to drive you on your journey.

What other small stepping stones could you take? 

Learning how to properly recycle goes a long way. According to the American Forest & Paper Association, 67.9% of paper in the US was recycled in 2022. 93.6% of cardboard was recycled in the us in 2022, and about 80% of US mills use recycled fiber. Ensuring that all of the paper products you consume are recycled properly will increase the amount of materials that actually get recycled!  The best part about this zero waste tip is that it is absolutely free! It just takes some time to learn and understand how to properly recycle.

Another easy, free, stepping stone is to upcycle your items, even the recyclable stuff.  For example, when you're finished with a jar of jam, what do you do with it? Take everything off of the jar and throw it in the recycling bin?  This is a great way to recycle, but what if you could give that jar a second life? You can! This article by Merilin Vrachovska at Almost Zero Waste gives you 34 ideas on how to reuse a glass jar! Ultimately, giving your items as many lives as possible will help save materials from being in landfills, ensure minimum use of natural resources, prevent pollution, and allow products to be used to their fullest potential. Not only is upcycling practical, but it is also extremely fun. It will challenge your ingenuity. 

In conclusion, a zero waste lifestyle may seem overwhelming at first. And honestly, you will not be zero waste at first. Using less plastic, properly recycling, and upcycling your items put you onto the path to zero waste living. This is a journey of progress, not perfection. Every step you take, no matter how small you may think it is, contributes to a healthier planet and more sustainable future. By approaching your journey one step at a time, you will slowly integrate new sustainable habits into your life, leading you towards your goal of a more sustainable, zero waste lifestyle.  Embrace your journey. Celebrate your victories. Keep moving forward- one small change at a time. 


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